Monday, January 19, 2009

NOLA Flora & Fauna 011 - Garden Snail

Please click on the image for a larger, more-detailed version.Mr. (&Mrs.) Snail
Our "front yard" is about 4' x 6'. It's basically a patch of Canna that I tried to remove in its entirety to replace with Brugmansias (this will likely take me years to dig out, as Canna have massive rhizomes).
After each rain, this large land snail comes out and runs all crazy, silly-like around the little plot, then returns to the shade of a plant until the next rain. The whole ordeal takes about ten minutes.
It's really cool to watch its lower, olfactory tentacles (
Lemaire) slap all over the place as it inspects the area. The upper tentacles are eye stalks (Ommatophores).
And you may also see it in live-action Technicholor:


  1. Hi There,

    I recently stumbled upon your blog and I'm loving it.

    I moved to Columbus, Ohio from New Orleans four years ago. Big change. I moved back to New Orleans 8 days ago. Another big change.

    Love your photographs.


  2. Awesome. Thank You. Congrats on getting back home.

